It’s been a while,
Hello everyone, how you all doing? I hope you are fine. I know it’s been long and I have been MIA for a while but I was on a mini holiday visiting friends and family and promised myself not to do any blogging. It wasn’t easy but I actually managed to even stay two days without seeing my laptop which is unheard of. Anyway I am back and ready to get back to it and get on with some writing. Who wouldn’t love 5 tips to spring clean the lazy way without getting frustrated? I know I would. I am not perfect and so if I am able to figure out ways to make spring cleaning faster and easier then I am all for it. In case you missed my useful tips to help you get organised, then do drop by here first. So lets get started.
First and foremost, before even trying to do anything, I would suggest you write a to-do list. This will not only make everything easier for you but it does help with the frustration part. Once that list is done, you can just start ticking off one by one as you go along the way. Also make sure not to stress yourself out when it comes to doing this list, it doesn’t have to be a million points or even a hundred but just a good amount that you can handle, remember it’s for the lazy ones so there’s no hurry at all.
Once your list is done, make sure to go at it one room at a time. If you decide to pick things up here and there from around the house, you won’t be finished on time. Also if you see that one room is starting to get to you, do what you can then come back to it later, just remember to mark on your list you wrote above on where to come back to when ready.
I am sure you would want to avoid this but then there would be no point in spring cleaning at all if there’s clutter all over so first things first declutter each room. For more tips on this, I have a post on how to declutter your home here with the best tips to make it easier for you. Also, once you do this, put things you don’t need in one pile and you will sort them later.
So as I said above, if you have things you don’t need it’s time to sort those ones now and know what will be for sale and which to donate. I know there will be some that will make you want to keep or even think you will fit in them one day but please, save yourself the misery, sell, donate and enjoy a doughnut.
I know most people would frown upon this point but it’s necessary for you to be able to finish it. There’s no race when doing this, it’s for you to be able to do it at your own pace. Even if you have to stop and come back to it the next week, it’s all good we have busy lives from work, kids and life in general, so don’t let spring cleaning take over your life or any other cleaning in general. Just remember that the end game is for it to be done be it this weekend or 2 weeks later.
I’ll probably spring clean your way. If I bother to do it. I admit, I have good intentions and then they never happen. But I do need to go through some clutter!
Ugh I really need to get my closets cleans out but it’s SO MUCH WORK. Hopefully your tips will help!
I need to SPRING CLEAN the crap out of my closet. Perhaps that’s a job for this up coming weekend!
Great article! My problem is definitely skipping from room to room so I appreciate the great advice!
Ahahaha I love the take breaks part. But no, really, I can only focus on one room at a time. When I try to think of EVERYTHING I have to do I get really fed up quicker.
I like the sound of the lazy way. Now to just get my kids to help with cleaning.
I’ve always had problems with cleaning no matter which season of the year it is. I love your tips! Hope they will motivate me to work harder this spring! 🙂
These tips just simplifies the process of spring cleaning. I really hope I can stick to this
I definitely need to declutter and donate! Thanks for the inspiration.
I often declutter unwanted stuffs and this is important to manage things. I give it to charity but now I am also planning to sell things.
I love decluttering all through the year, it makes “spring cleaning” so much easier
Love this! I always need a lot of breaks haha
I recently had a similar post on spring organizing. While I do think it’s great you mentioned taking breaks I personally think spreading it out weeks can cause you to get messy all over again and procrastinate (just my opinion)
Decluttering is the way to go
I seriously LOVE the title of this blog post: “The Lazy Way”! hahaha. Thanks for these fantastic tips for spring cleaning. I think it’s a great idea to focus on one room. I need to remember that rather than flitting around. Cheers!
I have done some decluttering and put some items up for sale. It feels good to get rid of what is no longer needed!
I have spring (and summer) cleaning to do. I still have to go through the boxes I brought from my parents’ home last summer! These tips might push me to get started!
I have a lot of cleaning to do, I’ll do it when I get a long off. And I will follow your way.
These are some great tips, there is something about how the home feels after a good spring clean.
Loved this! I personally love selling items I don’t use anymore. Goes a long way!
I get down and dirty when it comes to spring cleaning. I hate having a house that doesn’t get deep cleaned.
Thanks for sharing these tip, yes spring cleaning is not that easy, still I do it as I need make room for kids stuffs according to weather.
I haven’t done much Spring cleaning so Thanks to your tips, I might do it your way — the “lazy” way… It might work for me.
It’s coming to Autumn here in the Southern hemisphere and the weather is turning FREEZING… brrrrr, but hey – these tips can apply to a good Autumn clean as well right!
When I know that it’s my spring-cleaning day, I prepare a to-do list in advance which helps prepare my mind for the work. If not, I would rather not do it.