Happy New week,
Hello everyone, I hope you all had an amazing weekend and are staying safe. We were surprisingly visited with some snow yesterday which was great to have and to also witness my youngest seeing his first snow. I hope it decides to stay awhile for a snowman attempt. Anyway, today I am back with another blogging post for you and is for those people who just started blogging and are still figuring out how to increase their page views without selling their souls or having to buy something to get the information they need. So here are 6 ways to explode your blog’s pageviews in a brand new blog if you are a newbie. In case you missed my post on the mistakes I did before launching my blog, do check it out here.
Blogging is really hit or miss sometimes whereby what may work for one blogger may not necessarily work for you and that is totally fine. There’s no point of beating yourself up if you tried what another person did and it just didn’t work. All you have to do is regroup and find new strategies that will work for you, I have personally used these specific ways and they really helped me out when I got started and still do up to now.