how to get clear skin

We all want clear skin

Having flawless skin is what every woman wants to see every time they pass-by a mirror or their reflection. We all want clear, beautiful, and perfect looking skin, not only for it to look good under makeup but to have that confidence when you don’t have time to put on makeup or not in the mood. Here are some tips you can follow on how to get clear skin.


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what to do when you're just bored

So you’re bored?

We’ve all been there, a brand new day but then you are just sitting bored, thinking and have no idea how your going to spend the day or even where to start. Luckily, I have a few ideas on what you can do. So here’s what to do when you’re just bored;

what to do when you're just bored

  • Organise/declutter your space or house, clean out that cupboard you have always saved for later and organise your closet and rooms.
  • Do your laundry the right way, you have the time.
  • Grab a book and make yourself finish it on that day, the day will be over before you know it.
  • Have a spa day, mani/pedi/face masks the whole package.
  • Try a new recipe, get your cookbooks out and become your own masterchef.
  • Put your sweats on and complete a workout session, beats being bored any day.
  •  Watch some movies/listen to your favourite music.
  • Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while, see what they’ve been up to.
  • Plan for the next day, a place to visit or go to.
  • Do your hair, give yourself a makeover, new hairstyle, new you.
  • Take a catnap, you will feel refreshed.
  • Have a cocktail,tea or your best coffee.
  • Go for a walk around the park or around the neighbourhood.
  • Play video games, if you’re the gaming kind.
  • Clean your oven and refrigerator, does take some time.
  • Do some meditation, a little peace within.
  • Go shopping for something you’ve been meaning to buy.
  • Volunteer, doing a good deed is rewarded.
  • Go out for lunch and enjoy a meal alone.

These is what I have come up with and am sure these ideas will definitely fix any boring day and make you find one of them to be helpful and to make your home more welcoming go here. Hope you liked them and if you have more to add, please do share or comment below

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beauty uses for coconut oil

Ever since coconut oil came into the scene, it’s all everybody talks about and so many recipes have come from it that look so delicious and I’m still yet to try, but there are also beauty uses for coconut oil apart from just using it for cooking. Now before I continue, you all know that I can’t apply this oil on my face because it just doesn’t work for me and I already wrote about it in my other post here. But I do use it in other ways when it comes to hair and body, these are some of the beauty uses for coconut oil that I usually use when need be.



  •  As a makeup remover, just apply it all over your face, rubbing it in then wiping it off with a makeup wipe.
  • Make it into a face scrub by mixing it with some sugar for smooth, soft and flawless skin.
  • As a face moisturiser, if it doesn’t make you react in anyway, this can be your holy grail.
  •  As a lip scrub with sugar then as a lip balm after so pucker up.
  • If you run out of an under eye cream, get some drops of coconut oil and use that instead.
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how to make your home more welcoming

Make your guests feel welcomed

Having a well organised home all year round is what I always wish for but doesn’t necessarily happen, things come up, taking care of my son, running errands and I go off track then try to pull myself back in and reorganise myself, but there are those times when guests might just stay over and so the only way to make it easier is by making your home to be more welcoming.

how to make your home more welcoming

A bit of planning may be needed but there are those last minute things that you can rally up and be all set without too much stress. Here’s how to make your home more welcoming.
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chicken tikka masala recipe

Hey there,

This week I forgot to specify what kind of meal I was going to cook since my menu only said a rice dish, this is due to my son being a picky eater and loving one thing today and hating it the next day, very normal by the way. So the only meat I had was chicken and decided to make chicken tikka masala. This was sort of me trying out Lorraine Pascale’s recipe minus the spring onions because I had none so I went ahead and just used white onions instead and still had a great result.To make this meal the way I did, you will need,

chicken tikka masala recipe

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5 acids worth adding to your skincare routine

When in it comes to beauty, I am still on the search for the best products that I can continue adding to my skin care routine. Hearing the word acid itself takes me back to my experience with benzoyl peroxide which was in the panoxyl ointment I used that really messed me up. I wrote about it in my products that didn’t work for my face post here, now that my skin is back to normal, I am very cautious on what products I apply or plan to put on my face nowadays. Certain acids can be particularly helpful in the exfoliation of the skin, reducing appearance of wrinkles and also taking care of acne. These are 5 acids that are worth adding to your skin care routine.



This acid is an exfoliation alpha-hydroxy acid which leaves your skin having a renewed feeling. It’s also found to boost collagen which helps out when it comes to wrinkles. Since it’s an acid, you should start with a small percentage in order not to damage your skin. I have not particularly introduced this yet since I don’t have deep-set wrinkles but once those bad boys start coming up I’ll be ready for the attack.

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how i make money using qmee

When it comes to blogging, everyone thinks on how they can use their blog to make some money. I want to show you how you can make money by just surfing the web freely. I joined Qmee just as a test run to see whether its legit and if I can really make some money, I mean it’s not going to make you lots overnight but money is money, and if you dedicate yourself then you just might make good money. The best part is it’s free to join and you start seeing your money from the get go. This is how I make money using Qmee.

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what nobody tells you about postpartum depression

Postpartum Depression

Being a mother has been the best thing that has ever happened to me, but I never expected to feel the way I did after having my son. Depression was the last thing on my mind, I knew things would change but not the way they did, little did I know it was all due to postpartum depression. It took a while for me to even understand what was happening and being away from my family at that point was not helping either. It is a serious thing and I hope people understand what happens before judging any new mother out there. What nobody tells you about postpartum depression.

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10 things to do on a rainy day

All about rainy days

I love rain,but there just those days where the rainy days start to become normal days and then I just get tired of it and wish it to be over already.Having something to do to keep my mind off not being able to go out is always helpful.These are 10 things to do on a rainy day.

  1. Make sure you have a really good long book. The rain may decide to be a week long and the longer that book is the better your survival.
  2. Have your favourite box sets ready for the snuggly nights on the sofa in your pjs, I love repeating some of them just because I have time.
  3. Schedule yourself a nice extra warm bath and even light yourself some candles, this is  time to have your own at home spa, pamper yourself, get your scrubs and facials out and relax.
  4. Being a lazy day, have your best food take outs on hand and just let loose that day. Eat what you have been craving all week from your best place and savour each bite.
  5. If you are not up for the take out, have a go to soup recipe on hand which you know you can whip up anytime and make yourself a big bowl and enjoy.
  6. If your not alone, you could plan to have a mini date night and catch up, it will not only be fun, but also memorable.
  7. You could also take this time to clean up the house, declutter, and organise yourself for the days ahead. This will make you spend some of your time and as a bonus you will have a clean house.
  8. Get your rainy day playlists out because a bit of good music will make you enjoy your time indoors.
  9. If you are lucky and have a fireplace, it’s time to put it in use and just warm yourself up, plus it’s a bonus get some marshmallows and crackers and have a ball in the process.
  10. Last but not least, you could meal prep or create some menus for the weeks ahead, you have enough time to figure out what sorts of meals you would like or what to introduce to your daily meals.

Finally , hope you like my ideas and if you have more to add on this list please do share and for what to do when you’re bored, find here.

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10 life lessons i've learnt so far

Hey Everyone,

I do know I am still going to have lots more of  lessons throughout my lifetime but these are 10 life lessons I’ve learnt so far.

  • Don’t be afraid to fail, you might think that there is nothing else that can go wrong but they do and all you need to do is pick yourself up and try even harder.
  • Never be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Pride always comes before a fall, so don’t let your pride get the best of you. If you can get help do ask.
  • Life is too short. Now this is still one of the lessons I am getting to understand even more. Every morning we wake up is a new day. So try new things, travel, eat something new, the same morning never repeats itself.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others. You will never know what someone else is going through behind the scenes, so follow your own path and stop looking back.
  • Try and discover yourself each and every day, don’t limit yourself to a particular thing you will be surprised at what you are capable of.
  • Always see the good in another’s. This one can be difficult as much as there’s that one person that ones to make you go nuts, just find the good in them and all will be fine.
  • Not everyone is what they seem to be. Have people you can rely on and build each other up. Friends come and go but if you get to have just one to be there for you when need be, then stick by them too.
  • Family is always important. Blood is thicker than water, don’t forget to be around family from time to time.
  • Be kind to others, it doesn’t hurt to say “Good morning”, the goodness comes back to you. As the quote says what you see in others exists in you, here are various things happy people do
  • Lastly, love deeply and unconditionally.

What are your life lessons so far?






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