is impulse buying costing you money? let's fix it

Hi guys, I hope you had a fabulous weekend and that your week is going great. When I was grocery shopping during the weekend I realised how far I’ve come from doing any shopping in general. You see, before I would go into a store and pick something up because it either looks good or maybe I wanted to try it out without even giving it a thought whether or not I really needed it. I still have a juicer which resides in a cupboard because I thought I would be into juicing at the time. Nowadays, I’ve rectified that by knowing that impulse buying was the culprit and was costing me money. So onto the question is impulse buying costing you money?

The answer is YES

I know that sometimes you might really want something once you see it and I also know that unlike me, there some people who would like to have five sweaters of the same kind but in different colours. Don’t get me wrong but I just think that it’s a waste of money and would rather spend that money on something else. How can you fix that?


When I talk about staying organised, I mean know exactly what you have and don’t have around your home and if there is anything that you need to replace. Once your organisation is on point, you will less likely want to get something on the whim when you are out. So remember to get it together first by having an organisation plan. There’s no point of having three kettles just because they would look nice on your counter. To see how I get organised, find here.


Impulse buying usually happens when you think or assume that you need something and not knowing it will cost you. To avoid that, have a monthly or weekly budget for everything, your groceries, home products, just everything. Once you have a budget in place, be tight with it and stick to it. When I started budgeting, I failed many times because I didn’t stick to it and ended up struggling when I really wanted something and it wasn’t good, you need to sacrifice all the temptations and just do it. A budget planner will really help if you’re just starting out.


This can be debatable depending on what you are shopping for but if you know exactly what it is, then leave your credit cards at home and just carry the amount of cash you need. I noticed that when I carried my card, I was more likely to buy impulsively compared to when I only had cash because with the cash, I had no leeway at all and if the amount passes my budget, then I had to return some stuff. This is the only way to avoid impulse buying which at the end of it all costs you money you would be saving.



Writing down lists is a really good way to make you stay in check and that’s why all the points above will rely on you having lists when you are out doing your shopping to hold you accountable when you decide to pick up something that’s not on the list, because that would be impulse buying. If it’s not on the list put it back and leave it for the next budget. I wrote more on this here when it comes to things you can do to start saving money.


This is hard even for me because when I see something, I convince myself that I might need it then once I buy it, I have to come back and create a different budget since I would have taken some from the next month’s budget. If you know you are likely to want to get something once you see it, then avoid those shops or even seeing what they have because it will only lead to more impulses and that will cost you.


Lastly, after every end of month or week depending on how you created your budget, get time to go through your lists, budget and see what you have done right and where you need to improve on then repeat. Once you continue doing that, you will notice that the need to buy stuff impulsively will go away because you know how much you have saved from not doing it.

So that’s all I have for you today,  keep at it and take care of your impulse buying with the above points and know it’s a process, so just starting will at least push you in the right direction. At the end of it all, you are the only person who knows whether or not impulse buying is a habit you have and are also the only one who can take care of it. If you have any other pointers for me please do share in the comments below, ask yourself are you an impulse buyer?



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  1. It is soooo important to avoid temptation! For me that means staying away from malls and targets altogether haha. No reason teasing myself with stuff I can’t afford.

  2. This is actually a post that I needed. I am currently doing Financial Peace University. This was encouragement that I am on the right track!!

  3. Your tips are on point. Without a list you’re buying everything in site. I stay with my list. Impulsive buying does get me sometimes but I stay with a short amount in my pocket to avoid that habit. But sometimes I will still rush home and get the extra funds and go back ?

    1. Really, you go back and get more? No that’s funny you see how the temptations are everywhere and I still struggle so I just avoid some stores.

  4. This was a major thing from especially back in college. It wasn’t on material items or clothing. I would impulse buy food at work… I mean pay the whole shift’s tab when I know I cooked at home and could have brought my lunch. Lesson learned the hard way. That money forever gone.

  5. It is so easy to impulse buy! I budget and keep lists. The list has helped the most. It keeps me from buying other stuff. Then, when a sale comes along, I get it. Great tips!

  6. i am guilty of doing impulse purchase! I have stopped visiting the stores and buy online, that has reduced the impulse buying a little.

    1. I used to impulse buy all the time until it went way out of hand and I was finding stuff I never even remembered buying, but I stopped it and got it in check.

  7. Great tips here. I myself list down all the things I spend on, even the smallest amount, and make a graph out of it (sounds tedious, I know). At the end of the month, I am able to see where I have overspent, and what needs more budget allocation. I have been doing menu planning for the past 3 months now and it has definitely helped lower down my grocery budget because I no longer have to keep on returning to the grocery just to buy something that I thought on impulse.

    1. Yes exactly, nothing can be tedious if it’s saving you money. I have to have a menu after every two weeks and lists every time I do any sort of shopping which has really helped so far.

  8. This is an extremely helpful post as I am guilty of impulse buying things I don’t really need. I have tried leaving the credit card at home a few times which works very well.

    1. Thank you, I used to do it all the time until I noticed it’s the cheeky card always calling out for me so once I started leaving it and budgeting things started staying on track.

  9. I think I’m quite good at not impulse buying. I occasionally do it, but not all the time. I’m very focused when I shop, and head straight for the things I need, so I’m never really looking at other stuff 🙂

    Louise x

    1. You are strong willed and that’s great as for me it’s like things just call me in every aisle, but I have put it in check and it’s going great.

  10. I used to be really bad with impulse buying online until I read Leo Babtua’s book and made a point of waiting 30 days before I purchased an item. Worked a charm!

    1. I haven’t read it I will try and find it, but that’s a great tip because it gives you the whole 30 days to really think whether it’s a necessity or not, nice one.

  11. Great tips. I got in the habit of bringing cash with me when I lived in a place that was not credit card/debit card friendly. Now it helps with my budgeting.

    1. That’s great, I avoid going close to the stores where I know I will definitely want something in there and seems to have helped.

  12. I’ve been trying to get better at this. Like you said, it’s easier to make a list. I usually add items to my Amazon cart when I really need. Or sometimes I leave it for a few days, and then I realize it’s something I don’t need anymore.

  13. Great tips! I’d also add to have a savings goal. It helps to visualize your long term goals while you are in the store so you won’t get side tracked lol

  14. I almost never go out with intense to buy something but i love when go out and suddenly just like something and buy it… but i am a kind of person that never buy something that will not use 😛

  15. You are sooooo correct about everything. I am not that impulsive with buying, but I don’t do budgets and I am not paying as much attention into financial planning as I should. I belive I need to make it my NY resolution.

  16. I love your solutions. It’s hard to flip brought online or going to mall without any clear plan and have budget. I do use cash lot so I’m not over spending.

  17. I never carry cash with me. I don’t know why. Now that I have apple pay on my phone it is going to be even more difficult to avoid impulses ahah

  18. Temptation is the greatest impulse that pushes us to buy something that’s not really necessary and I agree of everything you have on the list to fix this issue. Very true!

  19. Great tips. I am awful for impulse buying. The majority of times I end up returning the item or worse, it just sits in the apartment collecting dust. I really need to start planning and organising our purchases. Shopping with cash is a great idea too.

  20. Impulse buying is a real problem for me. Especially if I go to stores like Target or Walmart. I’ll go in for one thing, and leave with 10 things…and massive guilt. I am resolving to do much better with my budget in 2018! Starting now!

  21. I hate carrying cash around, but at the same time I can see how this would help immensely save money! I also liked the tip in staying organized!

  22. I am impulse buyer and the points above are really great. But no matter how I try the steps above, I always end up buying something of no use in the long run. I guess the most important thing that I should really develop is discipline.

  23. Its hard to resist from buying things, but these are some great tips… I would love to share this post with others too 🙂

  24. I agree, impulse buy costs money, a lot!!! It’ s always better to think about a possible purchase before, I learned this! Loved your tips!

  25. Every time i go on a shopping ban, i literally stop going to the mall and go to nearest shops if i really need something :p

  26. You are such a smart lady, and I hope to be as strong as you someday with resisting the temptation of buying things! It’s so true..everything you said in this post. The tips and advice I’m keeping close to me and will remind myself anytime I’m about to impulse buy! Thank you for this wonderful blog!

  27. Great tips! I used to be a big impulse buyer. I have used several of your times to cut down and I think I can say I am no longer an impulse buyer.

  28. I love this – I typically stick with a list when I go to a store. I also keep a digital list in my phone so I always know what I truley need – this way I dont have to keep going to the store again and again

  29. You are so right, Joan. Knowing what you really have around the house before going shopping and making lists helps not to waste money. I only miss one thing on your list of tips: If you are easily tempted, choose other free time activities than hanging out at a shopping mall 😉

  30. So True!!! We live in an overly commercialized society and temptation is everywhere, particularly now with home deliveries. Those tips are definitely helpful, thanks for sharing!

  31. I had to smile reading your tips because I can count the number of times I have gone shopping without a written list with the full intention of only purchasing a couple of items and leave with bags of groceries. I am such an impulse buyer.

  32. YES to writing lists! I have began capsule-wardrobing to save money and organize my life/morning routine and I love it! Each season I donate/throw out old clothing and create a list of the few things I need that season, and then search and compare cost/quality for only those pieces. It keeps my impulse buying down, because I know what I do and don’t need!

  33. when i was stressed before going to the grocery store and buying things that I didn’t need just for a little rush excitment was part of my weekly thing, I did the same with clothes, when i was having a bad day I woudl treat myself with something from Urban Outfitters. I now realize that that goes away 30 seconds after you buy what you want. and now will workout or journal, talk to god.

  34. Cash and lists are my go-to tools. Though I have to admit, I’ve been known to ignore (or forget) the list!

  35. Yes!! I have to give myself a budget and try my very best to stick to it. The great thing is that if there is no money on my cards then I can’t buy anything 🙂

  36. I used to have a tendency for impulse buying. I know it can lead you end up wasting money. Your tips are really good for those who have the habit.

  37. ohh! I’m a impulse buyer. I should keep these things on mind. Thanks for sharing.

  38. I have been an impulse buyer for a long time when I use to have 2 jobs. Now that I only have one job I can control myself from impulse buying based also on some of your suggestion. Very helpful.

  39. Great tips! I’m quite good when it comes to impulse buying but at times I do get sucked into a sale and things we don’t need!

  40. These are really great tips to apply. I want to be like this. I can’t control myself from buying. I will apply these tips.

  41. Organization is super important when it comes to money. A budget is super important as well. Managing your money can be tricky but its essential to not going broke. Thanks for sharing.

  42. Hahahahaha ….. this is so me. I do all these things you have mentioned and more. I will leave my wallet at home if I know I am maxed out with my budget. One thing I need to do more is to withdraw cash … I just hate carrying cash. Great post

  43. I still sometimes face this issue, but sometimes I resist successfully. I want a Spider-Man PS4 which costs 1/4 of my salary, but I am still working on it. Although I still carry some petty cash as it requires to travel from home to office and then back to home. Although Pass system helps me. But not that impulse as you mention.But would keep that in check after my birthday gets over.

  44. These are some great points. I rarely go out for shopping, but when i do, i do more impulse shopping, than wt i am supposed to..
    Lets see, if this sorts out things for me

  45. I am guilty of being an impulsive buyer, so I guess I really needed this tips. I like no.3 tip, to carry cash only because most of the time, I buy stuffs out of budget just because I have the credit card with me. thanks for sharing!

  46. The only place that I really impulse shop is at the grocery store. If I take a list it can help a lot, but still there’s always that one thing I hadn’t thought of.

  47. I try to not impulse buy, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. If I see something cute, I tend to want it, but I really need to ask myself if I really NEED it.

  48. Impulse buying really can affect how much you spend! I always try to pay with just cash and stick to budget as you suggested!

  49. Such an awesome tips right here! I really love shopping and those tips will apply during shopping time.

  50. I have been a victim of impulse buying because of various mood swings setbacks in life and sometimes apparently for no rhyme or reason. The guide really helps to create a check and balance for the expenditures everyday.

  51. Going on a shopping without a list makes me go over the budget. These are really useful tips. Thanks for sharing!

  52. Definitely yes! this was my weakness when I was younger and so carefree with money. I wish I was my present mind years ago.

  53. I am so guilty of this. I am the worst. My budget is non existent. I really need to take these tips and use them because at the end of the day, I often end up regretting that not needed purchase.

  54. I very rarely buy on an impulse. More often than not I prepare a list of things that I need before going out for shopping. Nonetheless very useful tips.

  55. I use to always be impulse shopper but after learning to coupon that quickly changed. I cant shop if I don’t have a list prepared. I have to also have a coupon to go with the items that I purchase. Thanks for sharing.

  56. Impulse buying is something I’m so guilty of, especially now that I’m blogging! I always see something that will make a great post subject and spend money I don’t need to spend. LOL

  57. Great list of tips you have to stop impulse buying. Avoiding temptation is so hard as we tend to want something that we see and like. We really needed to ask ourselves “do we need it?” when we buy.

  58. I am so bad about impulse buying, especially at the grocery store! I have found carrying only cash really does help

  59. I am really good about waiting ages to buy something and not buy right away. It gives me a chance to forget about it or ponder it for a while.

  60. I am SO guilty of this! I go to target for one thing and buy everything! I love the carry cash only idea! I need to start with a budget and pull it out cash just keep that with me only

  61. I’ve also heard that carrying cash is helpful! Impulse buying is too easy to do. Thanks for bringing attention to this.

  62. ugh i’m definitely an impulse buyer! when i see it i need it! lol im def going to carry cash from now on!

  63. Yes, it totally costs you money. Depending on my stress level and how busy things are I can be an impulse buyer, but more with cheap things which can be worse.

  64. Oh I can definitely relate to having those moments when I go impulse shopping. I have found that budgets are really great as well as leaving the credit card at home (just cash) works well for me.

  65. I can definitely relate to having those moments where I impulse buy. It’s really key to keep track of your budget and spending. Also avoid carrying credit cards all the time. And sticking to cash.

  66. Yes Carrying cash will reduce impulsive buying. I will keep all these tips in mind when next time I am shopping.

  67. I do splurge sometimes on impulse buying. But it’s very sparse. So I guess that’s okay. We do not have a lot of space in the house so we keep our stuff to a minimum.