It’s been a while,
I know guys and I am sorry I’ve been missing for a minute or two but I am now back and feels good to be at it again. I forgot how travelling makes me feel so exhausted and worn out by the time I come back. I mean all the packing and preparations was exciting and all until I came back to reality again. My son has always wanted to swim in the sea and I was happy that we were able to plan a trip there. I decided not do any blogging while away and to just have a break from it, relax and enjoy. So here is my visit to Croatia holiday roundup plus photos of course.
This was my second trip this year and unlike my last one here which I went on my own, this time around my family had to be there because if you read my back at it again post here, you know that I lived in Croatia for four years, had my son there and his grandparents always need to see him once in a while.
We arrived in Zagreb just before midnight and for the first time, my son really behaved all through the trip. If you are a parent you know how travelling with a toddler can be hectic from the whining and restlessness. We got to have lunch with my in-laws which was great then had to start preparing for our road trip. Our next destination was to Brac Island which is a 5 hour road trip to Split where we would take a ferry to the Island. Before that, we stopped over beautiful Primosten situated between Sibenik and Split.

How beautiful is this place?
The ferry ride took an hour to reach the Island and then had a 45 minute drive to our apartment. Our stay for the week was the Sole Apartments in Sumartin which had the most gorgeous views anyone would wish for and knowing that I would be having my coffee every morning looking at it made that whole day of driving all worth it.

We chose Brac island because it’s more quiet and calm and we weren’t really planning on doing any partying anyway. You remember how my son had really wanted to swim in the sea, well he never even touched it.

After all the planning and him saying that he couldn’t wait to swim, it was all in vain. Apart from that being a disappointment, we still had to make the best of it and with having barbecues on the terrace to great wine it was worth it.
Also if you like the heat and don’t mind feeling like a furnace every minute, then I do suggest you take a trip real soon. We got back to Zagreb and only had one day to spend with my other in-laws before our journey back.
What I learnt,
- First of all, I literally over packed for this trip and I had promised myself to learn from my past mistakes and just carry what I needed.
- My son will swim when he is ready and until then, my next holidays will be inland.
- My sea sickness is getting better if I was able to brave an hour ferry ride.
- The heat is not my friend, will never be and I have a face three shades darker to prove it.
- My son has really grown and can handle a five to six hour road trip both ways with little to no interruptions.
- I need to start exercising because all the stairs I climbed assured me that I am not fit.
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There you go,
This is all I have for you without bombarding you with too many photos and our travel back. Now I am back and ready to start publishing more posts which I really missed but the break was totally worth it. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did sharing it with you. Where are you going for your next holiday and if you already did, where did you go?
Looks like a great time was had by all. Always wanted to visit and this just makes me more determined to do so.
You really should such a beautiful place.
Your style of narration is very good and so is the blog consequently. The beach seems wonderful, I am searching for more pics now. 🙂
Overall, great blog and good style. Happy travelling and blogging.
Thank you very much
Next time, if you go, visit Dubrovnik. It’s a beautiful old city.
That was actually where we had planned first but later changed, it’s still on the list though.
I am so jealous of how much you travel! And the places you go and show are just so amazingly beautiful! And your son is adorable!! 🙂
Thank you so much I promised myself to travel more because I get easily comfortable with wherever I am and forget that there’s a world out there.
Amazing post Croatia is gorg….and you got a beautiful family hopefully in the near future I’ll get to visit there ☺
Thank you glad you liked it.
Your family is so cute. I’m happy to hear you all had a lovely trip. Croatia is on my bucket list. One day I shall visit.
Aitza B |
Thank you, it really is a beautiful country
Oh my word, your photos are beautiful! I’ve been dying to visit Croatia — you might have convinced me!
Thank you so much, you will not be disappointed.
Gosh, SO beautlful! So glad you all had a fun time!
Thank you
Beautiful photos 🙂
Thank you
This post is giving me a bad case of wanderlust 😉
Time to plan your vacation. Thank you for stopping by.
Beautiful pictures 🙂
Thank you.
I never knew that Croatia has such beautiful beaches. I did not travel much in recent years as my kids are still young. I am hoping to be able to do more traveling once my kids get older.
It will be worth it at the end.
I’ve never been to Croatia before. I hope to go one day, it does look gorgeous. That water is so blue!
It’s really beautiful.
Oh wow! The views look amazing! I have never been to Croatia before!
It’s very beautiful.
Oh my goodness, that water! It looks like you’re in the tropics, not Croatia!
It’s very beautiful.
Beautiful Croatia! I never been to but the view from apartment is stunning!
Beautiful place! I always over pack, lol! I always worry that what I bring is not enough. Your photos are amazing!
Thank you.
This is really a very beautiful place to visit. I agree with your tips of visiting with kids.
Oh wow how beautiful does Croatia look, I have to admit it isn’t somewhere I would have thought of visiting, but I may just have to add it to my bucket list!
Croatia looks so awesome! I totally want to visit here now.
I actually hate seeing blogs about Croatia because I dont want to share it– so beautiful!
Croatia is such a beautiful place.. One day I will visit I love the pictures and your beautiful family..
Thank you very much,
It does look so beautiful there. I have never been, but i really loved the pictures you took. Although not sure about dealing with the oppressive heat all the time.
The heat was a killer, it’s preferable for people who love tanning and just laying in the sun.
I heard of the beauty of Croatia. I am glad you all made it a beautiful family experience.
Thank you.
Croatia has always been on my list of places to travel to…. now even more so! I love this post a lot. Thank you for sharing 🙂
You should it’s really beautiful.
What a gorgeous place! I cannot believe that your son refused to go in the sea! My two children will be in there in their good clothes no problem at all. Thanks for sharing.
I know it was so surprising I thought he would grow out of it but recently he has even refused swimming classes.
This looks amazing! What an incredible place to visit! I am also an overpacker and totally understand! It’s great to see that you had a great family holiday!
This looks like it was a fantastic trip. I love your photos. Croatia looks like a beautiful place to explore.
I have never been there. is it in schengen ?
No Slovenia is but not Croatia.
Brac Island looks amazing- what clear water! You are lucky to have such a good little traveler- he is learning so much getting the chance to experience such a neat destination.
It looks that you’ve had a lovely holiday. Croatia is a beautiful country. Sometimes, I also do over packing and it annoys me later 🙂 I am planning a trip in December and I try myself best to only take things which are needed.
Good to see that you enjoyed. My experience is different. We spent most of our time on the coast which has the most beautiful water and average beaches(concrete,rocks and rarely sand and packed with tourists.
Without a doubt, it’s such a beautiful destination. With a newborn, traveling can be challenging but I can’t wait for her to grow.
I didn’t know what to think of Croatia because I didn’t even know where it was, but the moment I scrolled down, my breath was taken away. Your pictures captured it’s beauty and I can honestly say, I want to visit it some day.
Croatia sounds amazing and its good that you had a good time. I always over pack , its something I too need to learn.
Traveling with kids is always tricky. I also always learn something new when I travel, whether I go by myself or with the family. Loved all the pictures, those views are amazing.
Croatia is such a beautiful country but it requires a lot of walking about to see the best bits. Glad you enjoyed your trip there 🙂
Definitely one of the things I learned after my travels is to pack as light as possible. I overpacked for way to long, and I usually wear the same jeans. Now I´m better at it!
I love Croatia too and seeing and reading your post makes me miss it again. I wish to be back soon too. Love the pictures!