Another day, another recipe. I guess we will be rolling like that for a while now. How are you all doing? I hope all is fine and your week is treating you well. I have a cheesy loaded bacon scalloped potatoes recipe for you today, my son doesn’t love potatoes but funny enough, once cheese enters the equation, I have no complaints. If you love bacon, cheese and onions then don’t fret because all is included in this recipe. I always love adding something extra in most of my recipes be it more spices to give it a kick or specific meats to bring the flavour up a notch and let me just say, this recipe does just that. I promised myself not to go on rumbling and just dive straight ahead and share with you the recipe. For this cheesy loaded scalloped potatoes recipe, you will need;
Hello Friends,
I hope you’re all having a great day today. I am back with a recipe for you on how to make coconut mango panna cotta. This one right here is one pretty dessert and perfect for entertaining too. Since the warmer weather is starting to leave us, one last summery dessert won’t hurt. Both flavours complement each other really well and just makes it look and taste incredibly tropical, making you want a vacation real bad. This is a recipe you would need to start a day to two ahead since you would need to let the first layer set first before adding the second layer, but don’t worry because it’s totally worth it. I also served them in wine glasses but if you have clear ramekins, that would be great too to be able to appreciate the layers. Okay, onto the recipe now. You will need;
Hey there,
Gosh! It’s been a while since I have come on here. A lot has been happening and all for the better, been cooking lots of food, trying to keep up with all my content and managing with the lockdown. I hope you’ve all been great and are staying safe, I am here today with a recipe that is one of my favourites to make and never disappoints. If you’re a pasta lover and need some inspiration for a great weeknight meal, then this chicken pasta with bacon and spinach in a creamy tomato sauce is definitely for you. I mean what’s not to like? Anything with bacon is a win for me and pair it with a creamy sauce and you’ve knocked it off the park. I was never a pasta lover before and my kids tend to be picky every week but this recipe has changed it all for me.
Hello Everyone,
This past weekend, I decided to relive one of my childhood memories once again when it comes to food and make some chapatis for my family. There are different ways to make them but this is the way I learnt when I was young and I never changed it since they always turn out perfect every time. Back home in Kenya, chapati can be found anywhere and in any restaurant, on most occasions, parties you name it. It’s one of those meals that just has to be there whenever there’s a celebration or most Sundays like in our household. I like pairing mine with some chicken stew, chicken tikka masala, kachumbari and even have one with a nice cup of tea for breakfast. So today I will be sharing with you my easy homemade chapati recipe with some updated pictures. You will need;
Hello Lovely People,
I hope you are all doing great and having a great week so far, another week calls for another recipe and let me just tell you this one is a keeper. A delicious oven-baked honey soy chicken recipe is what I have for you today, now I just have to confess that I have tried similar chicken recipes before but always ended up with blackened meat and not well cooked inside. After many trial and errors, I found the right way to cook these and they turned out perfect. I did end up marinating my chicken for 3 hours but I do know there are times when you just don’t have all that time, so I would suggest a minimum of 30 minutes when it comes to marinating and it will still hold on to the flavours and turn out great. All you’ll need;
Hey there,
Gosh, this week seems to be flying pretty quick. I hope you’re all having a good one and managing to accomplish all you wanted to do. Since It’s Wednesday, I always publish a recipe post and today, these sweet fluffy homemade dinner rolls are definitely the ones to try. Honestly, these are my favourite dinner rolls I have ever made and never fail me, and so long as you use the same cup to measure everything, then you will have no failures. Plus they are very good to freeze for up to a month and you just thaw and heat in the microwave or oven. This recipe is one I got from my sister and I think it’s the only one I wrote down because I didn’t want to forget any detail. They smell amazing while baking and even better when eaten warm or room temperature. For the recipe you will need:
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and that it’s going on fine, I always publish my posts on Tuesdays but this week will have to just understand that I couldn’t publish a post-half-written. Now, I am all for having what’s on my menu every week and since I change it every two weeks, I never mind repeating a dish but when you have the same thing for four weeks in a row, it becomes too monotonous and I blame my busy schedule for that. So this past week, I finally got to change my menu and instead of the same old oven baked garlicky salmon, I decided to do something different and make some potato and salmon fish cakes. These are also great if you have a picky eater and need to include some veggies or some meats into your meal. You will need;
How are you all doing today? I hope your week is getting on just fine and staying safe as always. Today I have for you one of my favourite childhood recipes and brings back great memories. Not only did I have this when younger but even now I would still have them anytime when the craving decides to check-in. Now I do know there are different versions of this recipe and other names like “viazi karai” but I am sharing what I know and how I remember them. My Kenyan potato bhajia recipe is what I am talking about, flavourful, spicy and so delicious if I say so myself. You can easily order bhajia in many restaurants in Kenya and they will either come with some ketchup or my other favourite, a tamarind dip which just takes them to another level. For my Kenyan potato bhajia recipe you will need;
Hey there,
Another week calls for another post and this one you will love, it’s a recipe to die for. This past weekend, I woke up craving pork and better yet it had to be ribs. The fact the weather decided to just go crazy with the wind and rain didn’t really help to brighten my day but I knew that good food would totally do the trick and so ribs it was with a side of coleslaw. After finishing my grocery shopping, I finally came back home and was ready to start the dry rub for my ribs, so before I bore you with my weekend shenanigans, I will just go ahead and share with you my oven-baked dry rubbed bbq pork ribs. You will need;
Hello Everyone,
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and starting off your week right. Can you imagine Christmas is right around the corner? Since we are in another round of lockdown and I haven’t posted on here in like forever, I decided to go ahead and pop in real quick and update some of my old recipes. I made these quite a lot during the first lockdown and they always go down a treat. This is a simple basic biscuit recipe which you can make like literally in minutes and won’t have to worry whether or not you’re going to mess up and they always turn out great.