Happy Blogaversary,
I still remember the day I was installing wordpress and had totally no idea what I was doing( oh the memories) but I’m happy to say that after one year of lots of writing and learning along the way, I managed to keep at it. So yes people Jocajic.com turned one last week and I had to write a post to tell you how everything was and most of all the lessons I’ve learnt in one year blogging. I’m going to try to make this post not to be too long and just be straight to the point, so let’s get right into it.
I know you’ve heard about this a lot but I’m sorry to tell you that it’s true. If you want to gain traffic and more readers, your content has to be good enough to make someone stay and read your blog and also want to come back for more, my other post here has more on that do check it out. So make sure you write content that you would want to read and gain something from at the end of it all.
I learnt this the hard way by being late to the promotion party all detailed here. In order for your blog to do well, you need to be able to network with other bloggers by use of social media and joining groups. It may sound as the simplest thing to do but you also have to figure out what kind of groups are right for you and are along your niche. By you doing that, you not only get traffic but you end up learning so much more from other bloggers out there just like you by asking for help where necessary that will help you in your blogging journey. I have been able to join great groups all through Facebook, Pinterest and Tailwind tribes which have really helped me immensely.