how to monetize your blog

Almost everyone who starts a blog reaches a point where they start thinking of how they can make some money while doing what they love, after all blogging is work and it takes time and effort. As much as some people may think that it’s nothing other than just writing whatever, I tend to disagree because by the time you think of what to write, then write it and then edit and find images, that is work. So when you hit publish, you know that you are proud of what you have done but will still have to go and do it all over again. That’s why if you think about it, shouldn’t you at least try to make some money from doing it? Plus a little extra money never hurt anyone. I have some few ways on how to monetize your blog.


If you already have some products that you use all the time and have even reviewed once or twice, why not make some extra money from them. All you have to do is find companies that relate to your niche and see if they have an affiliate program or if there is an online store that you always shop at, also check it and sign up. Once you do that, your job is to do honest reviews and try to tell your readers why you bought it, or how will it help them and if someone thinks they could do with that product, then buying it earns you a commission. At the end of it, it doesn’t cost the reader anything when you tell them about what you like only if they decide to try it out. There are many companies with affiliate programs nowadays, don’t miss out.

hoe to monetize your blog

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