Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, so last week on my other post I gave you guys gift ideas for her and told you that I would be back with another one only this time, it would be for the men in your life. Plus the best part is you get a chance to win a product from Kurtis Paul who if you haven’t heard about them have beautifully crafted bags and accessories for men which you could choose to keep or even gift it for someone special which is a great idea. So without further ado, here are some gift guide ideas for him.

Gift guide ideas for him

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eat. spray, love

Hi everyone, can you believe how fast this week is going? So today was one of those days where the weather decided to just do its own thing. It’s either raining, drizzling or too windy and believe me, it’s not pleasant at all. Well, I ended up forgetting my umbrella when I went to pick up my son from school and the rain decided that it was the best time to pour down the minute I started walking, like really? That’s when I thought of this title eat, spray, love like honestly.

Enough of my ranting

Anyway, now that I’ve let that out, let’s talk about perfume. I mean who doesn’t love smelling good. Today, I noticed that some of my perfumes were either not really moving amount wise and another was almost finished and made me think on how many times I may be choosing one from another.

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