What’s Kachumbari?
Better known as salsa fresca or pico de gallo depending on where you grew up, we call it kachumbari in Kenya.It’s one of those dishes that can go with anything and just makes me happy. Once you combine it with more spices, you can make it to be your own or even add some meat and other ingredients to make a proper salad. Hope you get to love it as much as I do. For my kachumbari recipe, you will need

- 2 onions (red or white)
- A couple of tomatoes
- Raw chillies
- 1 lemon
- Pinch of salt and more for the onions
- A bunch of coriander
- Chop your onions into small pieces and put them in a bowl, pour some water to cover them and add in two tablespoons of salt. (This helps in removing the sharp taste of onions) and place them aside.
- Slice up the tomatoes and place them in another bowl along with the chillies also chopped into small pieces.
- Put a pinch of salt and mix them together.
- After about ten minutes pour the onions into a sieve and run some water through them to rinse out the salt.
- Put the onions in the bowl with the tomatoes and mix them up, at this point the colours already start making you smile.
- Squeeze one lemon and mix it up again, then chop up the coriander and add that in too.
- Now from this point, you can be done and place it the fridge to chill out or you can add some more stuff and make it your own.
- I usually add some olive oil black pepper or even some grated carrots either way it will be delicious.

So that’s it my kachumbari recipe and for a quick tip, crush up an avocado mix it in and there you have some guacamole and eat with some chapati on the side, recipe here. Serve and enjoy, do try this out and tell me if you loved it, what do you call this where your from?
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