why i started blogging


This is probably the most common question I kept on asking myself the first time I started my blog and the second time too, my answer was always the same, that I really wanted to and the first time I failed, I still kept on thinking about it and kept on having a drive to do it again, so I did. To be honest, I was scared and nervous, and kept on thinking what would I write about, or will I ever have any ideas to share and will anybody ever read my posts. But after a while I decided to go for it rather than sitting and always thinking (what if). This is why I started blogging.

As a destruction

I decided to start blogging once we had moved from Croatia and with my son being around me nonstop, I needed something to make me feel like am not just playing all day with my son but to also have something just for me. I knew that my son was not going to start daycare soon and plus I was still waiting for my permit to arrive. All in all, this blog was my best destruction.

As a hobby

Apart from having something to destruct me, I wanted to make it be my hobby where I would enjoy every bit of it without feeling drained and unmotivated. Also taking it as a hobby made me feel excited every time I wanted to share a recipe or review something I had tried before and to be able to write about what you like or help someone out with some of your information has never been a bad thing.

To prove to myself

The other reason why I started blogging was to really prove to myself that I could do it and not to underestimate myself, I guess it was more of a motivation thing on my side to be able to tell myself to just give it a try to see how it will all pan out. Honestly, It has really made me learn so much more about myself and I am very proud of myself  and love that I decided to do it.


If I can give any advice to anybody out there is, what are you still waiting for? Follow your heart and so what you set your mind to and if it’s blogging you want to do, start brainstorming for your post ideas and write them down. It’s better than doing nothing and end up regretting it later. Here is a simple guide to start your own too. So good luck.



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